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Some substances in the air contain, depending on their concentrair qualityations, a risk for our health and for the environment. Therefore the European Commission and the Flemish Region define standards per pollutant. These standards are defined based on both health effect and economic feasibility. Flanders Environment Agency (VMM) is responsible for measuring and reporting the air quality in Flanders.

VMM verifies whether different pollutants meet these legal European and Flemish standards. The World Health Organisation (WHO) also defines standards. These standards  only take the detrimental effects on our health into account and are therefore often more stringent than the Flemish or European standards. In its reports, VMM also checks if the air concentrations meet these advisory WHO standards. VMM also measures the concentration of many substances for which no legislation exists. In these cases, VMM deduces whether there are improvements for these pollutants from the observed trends.

Live results

Particulate matter


Nitrogen dioxide

Sulphur dioxide

VMM contributes to a better air quality in Flanders. We continuously monitor the air quality by measuring the presence of harmful substances in the ambient air.                           

  » About VMM

Project ZULU (Zuivere Lucht)

en.vmm.be is an official website from the Flemish govenment

Flanders Environment Agency (VMM) covers three main areas: water, air quality and climate (adaptation).