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The river Dyle in Leuven (Belgium) - a blessing and a curse

Issue 05-07-2015This publication aims to illustrate how perceptions and approaches to flood and water have changed using the River Dyle in Leuven as an example. It is the story of more than 120 years of struggling to develop and implement a strategy to keep the flooding of the River Dyle in Leuven and its surroundings under control.

The natural processes resulting in “wet” valley floors along the River Dyle upstream of Leuven have been restored. Infrastructure works are kept to a minimum and are intended to 'guide' for the river rather than to contain it.

Water, air and the environment. These are the three domains in which VMM is active.

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en.vmm.be is an official website from the Flemish govenment

Flanders Environment Agency (VMM) covers three main areas: water, air quality and climate (adaptation).