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Sullied Sediments examines chemical particles in water bodiesa

The Flanders Environment Agency (VMM) is taking part in the European project entitled 'Sullied Sediments'. By developing new tools, we are looking for more effective ways of treating and preventing chemical contamination in the sediments of our waterways.

What and why?

Researchers in Flanders and in the other states surrounding the North Sea area are becoming increasingly concerned about chemical particles, from substances not yet recognised as priority substances, being detected in bodies of water. That is why we have joined forces with the University of Antwerp and researchers and water managers from the Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom within the Sullied Sediments project.

Aim of Sullied Sediments – to take samples of sullied sediments from the seabed

Within this project, the partners will ensure the improved assessment, treatment and prevention of chemical contamination from chemicals (such as painkillers, contraceptive pills and toothpaste) in the North Sea region. Sullied Sediments will provide and validate new tools to assess, treat and prevent the contamination of waterways with chemicals on the 'Watch List' (WL) by bringing together scientific experts and regulators to address what is a transnational problem. A citizen science method to easily detect phosphates in watercourses has also been developed within the project. With the RiverDip app and the accompanying PADs (Paper Analytical Devices), the results were processed in minutes. You can see how it works below.

Sullied Sediments in Europe

The Sullied Sediments project forms part of the European funding programme Interreg VB North-West Europe. Various project partners from four countries are participating in the project, which is being managed by the University of Hull.

Project partners
the Netherlands

Radboud University


Institut Dr. Nowak

Hamburg Port Authority

Hamburg University of Applied Sciences



Flanders Environment Agency

Openbare Vlaamse afvalstoffen Maatschappij (OVAM)

Universiteit Antwerpen

United Kingdom

University of Hull

East Riding of Yorkshire Council

Canal & River Trust


University of Leeds

VMM contributes to the international policymaking and the implementation of environmental obligations.

» About VMM

en.vmm.be is an official website from the Flemish govenment

Flanders Environment Agency (VMM) covers three main areas: water, air quality and climate (adaptation).